The Gift That Keeps on Giving

At Genesis, we know that peace on earth begins at home. Last December, we were able to provide gifts to more than 1,000 women and children who needed to know that they were not forgotten during the holidays. After opening Christmas gifts provided by her generous donor, Margaret* came back to our Outreach office to meet with her counselor. During this session, Margaret’s eyes filled with tears as she said, “Those were the only gifts I received. I don’t know what I did to deserve this.” When her counselor asked Margaret why she thought she might deserve it, she hesitated before she said, “I existed today.”
What a profound response! Margaret’s Christmas gifts helped her to realize the message she should have experienced as a child: You deserve goodness simply because you exist. Margaret then said she felt like a child while waiting to open her gifts on Christmas morning. Thank you to EVERYONE who helped our women and children experience the child-like joy of Christmas morning, some for the very first time.
*Name changed for confidentiality