Teen Dating Violence
Teen Dating Violence Resources
At Genesis, we’re committed to creating a societal shift on how people think about violence against women and girls. We recognize the importance of educating teenagers about healthy relationships, particularly during a time in their lives when they may not be eager to discuss uncomfortable topics with their parents or teachers. One in three girls…
Read MoreSTAR: The Next Generation of Leaders
The beginning of summer always marks a bittersweet time as we bid farewell to the graduating seniors in our STAR (Students Tackle Abusive Relationships) auxiliary at Genesis. These high school students – many of whom joined STAR during their freshman year – have dedicated countless hours to volunteer with the kids at our shelter, organize…
Read MoreWhen Love is Blind: What Teens Don’t See in an Abusive Relationship
Close your eyes and think back to adolescence. Is it a sun-kissed day at the beach? Maybe catching fireflies on a lazy, summer night? As we grow into young adulthood, those fond memories might begin to be punctuated by nostalgic thoughts of love. However, memories for many teenagers are dark recollections of punches, verbal degradation…
Read MoreGenesis STAR: Students Tackle Abusive Relationships
It is a staggering fact that one in three girls between the ages of 16 and 24 will experience dating violence. At Genesis, we recognize the importance of educating teenagers about healthy relationships, particularly during a time in their lives when they may not be eager to discuss uncomfortable topics with their parents or teachers.…
Read MoreAnnouncing the Heart-to-Heart Program for Monthly Giving
“Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.” -unknown The Genesis Heart-to-Heart program (H2H) represents a community of supporters who pledge to donate to our cause once a month. H2H members make monthly contributions of any amount directly helping women and children who have experienced abuse take their first steps toward help, hope and…
Read MoreTeen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, and Genesis’ teens are focused on educating their peers about healthy relationships. Students Tackle Abusive Relationships (STAR) is a group for high school students who are committed to breaking the cycle of generational domestic violence by raising awareness so they can educate themselves and their friends. At Genesis,…
Read MoreTeen Dating Violence – A Parent’s Perspective
Being a teenager today is complicated, but being the parent or guardian of a teenager? Whew! That job is definitely not for the faint of heart, but it’s the most important job we will ever have. As such, there are so many things that we try to educate our children about to protect them –…
Read MoreTeen Dating Violence: A Teenager’s Take
One in ten high school students will experience some form of dating violence. But the problem does not lie only in high school: one out of three girls in the U.S. will experience dating violence, and between the ages of 16 to 24, the number of women who will experience it is three times the…
Read More5 Ways to Be Her First Step Away from Domestic Violence
Although teens should learn about teen dating violence, none should have to learn the way that Noelle “Cricket” Jones did one week ago today when she was shot at school. This shooting took place in the backyard of Dallas – only 40 miles south – in Italy, Texas. Just minutes before school started, a 16-year-old…
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