In Kind Donations
- Give items that will directly benefit our clients.
Financial Donations
- Donate once, or make monthly payments to help Genesis continue providing life-saving services at no cost to our clients.
Volunteering with Genesis
- By donating your time to Genesis, you help us complete crucial tasks and ultimately save time and money.
- HeROs, Genesis Women's Alliance, STAR, and Genesis Young Leaders are groups of diverse individuals working towards ending Domestic Violence and raising awareness in our communities.
Genesis Events
- During our events, Genesis raises critical funds that enable us to function and continue providing essential services.
Get your company involved
Speaking Engagements
- Request one of Genesis' speakers to present our cause and educate on the prevalence of DV within our community.
Company Fundraisers
- Company fundraisers can be a great way to raise funds or items that can directly benefit Genesis clients.