For women and children living with domestic abuse, the holidays can be a difficult time. We are asking you to support Genesis Holiday however you choose, whether it’s by adopting a family, sponsoring angels, donating gift cards or giving a monetary donation so that our clients know they are safe and loved.
☃️ Thats a wrap! ☃️
All families and angels have been adopted or sponsored!
Thanks to the generosity of our incredible community, all of our current clients and their children have been adopted this Holiday season!
Because of you, we will be able to provide gifts to more than 450 families, blessing them with the gifts of joy, hope and healing. To further support Genesis, please consider making a monetary donation to help us serve our clients in 2025. See you next year!
For questions regarding our Holiday Program, reach out to our Holiday Elves at holiday@genesisshelter.org.