Give a gift card; change a life

Every year, Genesis is honored to partner with our incredible community members to provide holiday gifts to our clients and their children. As part of our Holiday Program, Genesis clients are asked what gifts they would like to receive and what items they need most. From handbags and sleepwear to diapers and dress-up clothes, our clients’ wish lists vary greatly from woman to woman. However, one common thread runs throughout; we have noticed that the number-one most frequently requested item from our clients has consistently been gift cards.
As we know, an alarming 99% of violent relationships involve some form of financial abuse. Though the specific tactics can be distinct from case to case, the ultimate goal of the abuser is to gain more power and control over a partner by rendering them fiscally dependent. Many of our clients are unable to make any financial decisions in the relationship, in the home, and in their own lives.
When one of our clients receives a gift card, she is now free to choose exactly what she needs when she needs it. Whether clothing, medication, groceries, entertainment or gas, virtually anything and everything that she wants is now available to her with a gift card.
In an effort to continue to present clients with what they need most this season, while keeping donors, clients and staff all safe during the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, Genesis will only be accepting gift cards during the 2020 Holiday Program. Though we will certainly miss the flurry of wrapping paper and tissue tossed about in Santa’s workshop, we are confident that an all gift-card holiday will best serve our clients at the close of this tumultuous year.
Although all gifts will be in the form of gift cards, there are still three separate ways to participate: 1) Adopt a family, 2) Sponsor an Angel Tree and 3) Make a year-end donation. Gift cards will be given to clients in advance of the holiday along with wrapping supplies, enabling Mom to shop for her kiddos and put gifts under the tree herself.
For more information on each giving option and how to get started, please visit our Holiday page.